HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda_Steering Comm Mtg 12-07Steering Committee of the Iowa City Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Thursday, December 7, 2017, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Emma J. Harvat Hall, Iowa City City Hall 410 E. Washington Street Meeting #5 Agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes – September 21, 2017 & October 12, 2017 3. Recap - 5 minutes 4. Strategy Prioritization Process – 15 minutes 5. Recommended Strategies + Actions (Discussion) - 75 minutes 6. Next Steps - 10 minutes 7. Other – 5 minutes 8. Upcoming Dates/Things to Remember: i. Communitywide Survey December (if possible) ii. Draft Adaptation Plan, including Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Inventory Mid to late January iii. Draft Strategies (detailed) Early February iv. Thursday February 8, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to noon Steering Committee Meeting, City Hall v. Draft Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Late February 9. Adjourn – 12:00 p.m. If you will need disability-related accommodations in order to participate in this meeting, please contact Brenda Nations, Sustainability Coordinator, at 319-356-6161 or at brenda-nations@iowa-city.org. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs. Meeting Minutes Steering Committee of the Iowa City Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Thursday, August 10, 2017, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Emma J. Harvat Hall Iowa City City Hall 410 E. Washington Street Members in Attendance: Members Absent: Ingrid Anderson Melissa Jensen Eden Dewald – 10:30 a.m. Jesse Leckband John Fraser City Staff Present: Matt Krieger Brenda Nations, Sustainability Coordinator Martha Norbeck Ashley Monroe, Assistant City Manager Anne Russett Jack Brooks (filmed portion of meeting) Katie Sarsfield Ryan Sempf Consultants Present: Charles Stanier – 10:24 a.m. Lindy Wordlaw, Elevate Energy Lori Kramer (representative for GT Karr) - 10:25 a.m. Bill Haas, Inova Energy Others Present: Mayor Jim Throgmorton 1. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Ingrid Anderson, Chairperson. 2. Approval of Minutes No comments or revisions made. Motion made by Krieger, second by Norbeck. 8-0 Aye. 3. Recap Lindy Wordlaw, of Elevate Energy, recapped activities since the last meeting. Elevate developed tools for discussing activities, held stakeholder interviews, met with City staff regularly and prepared the draft strategy template to be reviewed at the 9/21 meeting. Brenda Nations provided updates on City's GHG Inventory. She noted that the City would like to reserve right to insert additional actions into the final plan if there are actions that are not included in the Committee's strategies. Iowa Utilities Board is holding onto 2016 data. Consumption-based inventory is not finalized yet but a webinar will be held on Monday 10/30 from 1-2:30 p.m. A concentration of the webinar will likely be focused on food consumption data for Iowa City. 4. Review Vision Statement Bill Haas reviewed the process of creation, using feedback from last meeting. Initial feedback on the vote observed a split group between those in favor of the statement as is and those that would like to change it in some way. Anderson said that nothing is missing but thinks it could be worded a bit differently; perhaps statement is a bit repetitive. Eric Tate likes it but wants to ensure that results will be seen in the outcome after all is said and done. John Fraser would like to see more of a sense of urgency but does like it. Matt Krieger noted that it seems too long. Martha Norbeck noted the current statement has less emphasis on resiliency and would like the idea to be more prominent. Anne Russett would like it to be a bit shorter and add more about the economy. Fraser agreed with Russett. Nations clarified that the bottom-line should be emphasized and economic benefits. Haas recapped the comments made by Committee Members and said that they and City Communications would revise based on this feedback. 5. Identify Broad Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies Wordlaw provided background information and guidance to the Committee regarding the task ahead. The goal is to create a new version of the strategy outline to create a template of strategies. Haas clarified that today's work is part of the narrowing process that applies the strategy to Iowa City. The specific ways to achieve the strategies will come from the Committee Members, perhaps seeking help as the process goes on. Katie Sarsfield clarified that the goal is not to eliminate a specific number of strategies. Haas answered that only the strategies that the Committee feels are not appropriate for Iowa City should be removed. Norbeck asked about the definition of "feasibility" and would like to see it narrowed but acknowledged that that work could be a concentration in the next phase. Wordlaw agreed that there are different issues with feasibility in implementation. The group began to talk about each category. Eden Dewald, Charlie Stanier and Lori Kramer, a representative for GT Karr arrived between 10:24 and 10:30 a.m. a. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Norbeck said that strategies #6 & #8 could be addressed together, not many opportunities to implement. Norbeck said #4 may be redundant. Some discussion was held regarding the difference between #4 & #5. Russett and Anderson would like to keep all until there are more specific strategies that would encourage removal. Wordlaw suggested flagging #4 with additional discussion needed. Wordlaw asked about energy strategies that are missing. Krieger suggested #3 or #7 could include public/private districts for net zero energy. Aggressively combating methane leaks was suggested by Stanier – citing methane’s value. Norbeck said it is important to delineate the difference between subsets of construction and renovation when it comes to energy efficiency. Russett suggested a historic preservation program or concentration. Norbeck suggested making Green Corps program more robust in this City. Fraser noted the diverse and fluid population here that brings many ideas and great concepts from elsewhere in the country and the world. Anderson said presence of the University is a major factor. Nations noted the extensive rental units here and working with landlords would be important. Krieger noted the scale of development is a recent issue. Ryan Sempf noted that building codes are more restrictive here and that a voluntary approach rather than mandatory would go over better in the Iowa City region. Stanier suggested certification or audit programs that would be able to be adopted here. Nations said that a business recognition program is in development as part of the upcoming Theme Semester. Norbeck identified the decision-making power of and influence on the Corridor should be incorporated and recognize that cities here work as a region in some aspects. Fraser shared his thoughts about net zero from his talk with Des Moines mayor that sought out businesses who wanted to build there because of the economic incentive. b. Transportation Russett suggested some type of employer incentives for telework or re-wording #5 to specify that. She suggested an Eco-driving campaign as part of the outreach and transitioning fleets to lower emission vehicles or offering incentives. Stanier said to replace "ownership" with "use" in strategy #9. Anderson asked about current status on these strategies. Wordlaw said that Elevate has started to fill in the implementation components. Fraser loves the idea of #8. He thinks people would move to Iowa if rail was a possibility. Sempf agrees with Fraser that is a good goal but not sure what City can do to impact the outcome of rail in Iowa. Krieger says that there are strategies to help implement the strategies and Russett agrees. She would like to also add bus travel to #8 strategy. Tate says that #7 should also think about revisiting routes and timing, think about frequency. DeWald also agrees that inter-city rail is a major issue for students and she noted buses running at any capacity. Change "parking minimums" to "maximums" in #6. Sempf brought up concern of infill development downtown and parking restrictions discouraging type of development. Fraser noted unintended consequences should be considered. Wordlaw affirmed that unintended consequences and benefits will be reviewed. Dewald said that biking is a great tool for students; bike library is hit and miss in finding safe, reliable bikes can be difficult. Krieger noted looking at development requirements are already in place. Norbeck noted the bike community being a strong resource that should be utilized. Sarsfield said that temporary workers are needed for businesses to help keep running or shut down and focusing on commuter assistance would be helpful to this issue. Stanier agrees with adding support for fleet vehicles. c. Waste Discussed Building reuse, adaptive uses. Norbeck says that should expand to reuse of items as well. Wordlaw noted the existence of Freecycle. Nations asked about concentration on less consumption in the first place, noted repair cafes. Sarsfield identified groups such as Table to Table that could modify strategy #3 to address. Tate asked about source reduction. Fraser noted the waste generated after student move out. Football stadium does recycle some waste but could educate community at games. Dewald said that University has a complimentary program in partnership with Goodwill but did say that fridges and microwaves are not salvageable. Agreed that not enough recycling receptacles inside the stadium. Kramer said that landlord buy-in is necessary; help with move-outs might be very effective - landlords see even more junk inside the house than outside on the curb. Sempf said that ease of access to where people can dispose things is helpful and important. Education and awareness emphasized from several Members. Fraser said that incentives needed to get landlords on-board. Tate asked about clarification regarding equity in the case of "Waste" category, noting that the plan should not overstate the equity factor. Haas clarified that the equity rating for this is generally categorized by access to the programs. Stanier says that a unique feature of Iowa City is the branding on major events that people come into town for. This education opportunity has room for improvement. Krieger said athletics are run separately from University. Wordlaw said a scope of "green" events could be touted and will do a bit of research about how to go about that. Sarsfield noted that some of the items brought up are more tangible and can try to get people's focus on the less tangible. d. Adaptation Norbeck talked about the impact on households and community after a major disaster. She suggested that the group think about how to assist individuals that are less resilient or have less ability to be resilient, used work, household repairs as examples. Stanier concerned about the long-game in setting us up to be a leader in adaptation through instilling adaptation consideration and "lense" to the DNA of the community. He asked about incentives and collaborations between City and University, businesses, to better address. Nations noted that there are not many great examples of adaptation plans but should try to address, even if very broad. Sarsfield said that her company has to go through processes to ensure resilience when they act and suggested that perhaps the community can learn from businesses. Krieger said that overall awareness campaign would be helpful. Wordlaw said that it is helpful to identify ways in which individuals will be impacted. Tate said that awareness is somewhat meta, in that it can be used for all but missing a whole component of flood plain management, awareness, education, flood insurance rates for entire community. Tate said the plan should identify area leaders, work with the development group to ensure stormwater management, address development in flood plain areas. Sempf noted the resource of Flood Center. Tate asked about the involvement of community groups - may be some strategies that can be done at household level. He used example of using art to be creative in explaining or bringing awareness to community. Fraser said that the impacts of these things impact everyone. Dewald agreed that education is very important, suggested working with school district to ensure explanation of climate and impacts. e. Other Someone suggested Strategy #3 should rethink how financing is approached. Haas explained that many opportunities for funding and financing and a variety of ways that it can be approached. Norbeck brought a book called "Drawdown" as a method of identifying most impactful strategies. She noted education and marketing of a plant-based diet, and hoped for identifying collaborations and promoting, and incentivizing. Sempf contributed that the Chamber of Commerce would be reluctant to approach a new tax. Haas clarified that specifics do matter but important to keep in mind. Russett asked whether the population or family planning is an action. Wordlaw noted the growth of Madison WI and energy usage that did not correlate to the growth in population. Krieger a strategy in how approaching growth- perhaps a growth plan. 6. Review Community Engagement Tools Wordlaw reviewed the engagement tools and provided a printed fact sheet to the Committee. She explained that the talking points and power point are flexible and should be used however the Members would like to share information. Nations reviewed all progress from the City Communications work in creating engagement tools, handouts, and other information for the public. Tate plans to attend the City Manager's Roundtable and present for the Committee on October 4. Wordlaw requested someone to volunteer for the Black Voices Project with a date yet-to-be-determined. On October 23 at Coralville Public Library, a meeting for Climate-related groups will convene and identify strengths and collective priorities to implement. Norbeck explained the possible role of the Committee for that meeting. 7. Evaluation Criteria Wordlaw explained the purpose of the webinar style meetings that will help prepare the Committee for other topics. Fraser said he had been thinking about continuation of what we do after the plan is completed. What will sustain and enforce the plan from the project completion, need to sustain and get energy into the future? Wordlaw noted the metrics and performance measurement requirement as part of the project. Nations suggested the Committee could include a strategy to establish a commission or committee to oversee implementation. 8. Adjourn Meeting Adjourned at 12:02 p.m. Meeting Minutes  Steering Committee of the Iowa City Climate Action and Adaptation Plan  Thursday, October 12, 2017, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.  Emma J. Harvat Hall Iowa City City Hall  410 E. Washington Street  This meeting was held both in‐person at City Hall and online through Go To Webinar. Remote Access:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3290776015707586819    Members in Attendance:       Members Absent:  Ingrid Anderson  (Phone)    Matt Krieger  Jesse Leckband (Phone)      Katie Sarsfield  John Fraser       Charlie Stanier   GT Karr (Phone)       Liz Maas  Ryan Sempf       Eric Tate  Martha Norbeck     Eden Dewald  Anne Russett (Phone)    City Staff Present:        Consultants Present:  Brenda Nations, Sustainability Coordinator  Lindy Wordlaw, Elevate Energy  Ashley Monroe, Assistant City Manager    Bill Haas, Inova Energy         Anthena Gore, Elevate Energy  Others Present:  Andrea M. Cohen, Iowa United Nations Association (10:53 a.m.)      1. Call to Order   Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Ingrid Anderson, Chairperson.     2. Recap and Meeting Goals  Bill Haas, of Inova Energy covered housekeeping about webinar‐style meeting. Lindy Wordlaw, Elevate  Energy reviewed the meeting agenda and community meeting agenda via Power Point. She confirmed  that minutes sent out for review did not need to be approved at this meeting and would be on the  agenda for approval at the next meeting.    3. Overview of Community Meeting   John Fraser asked what happens if there are too many people to fit inside the Library space. Group  decided there would be plenty of overflow room in the Library until room space is cleared. Anne Russett  wanted to know what is included in “Other” category, emphasized that “land use” should be included.  Wordlaw to send a Word doc of posters to Committee prior to meeting. She expects categories such as  food, land use, education and outreach to be included as strategies are added by participants and by the  Committee. Martha Norbeck said that Russett made a good point about the policy of land use. She  noted the difficulty in identifying work that the City could do on its own because multiple entities, such  as the School District have decision‐making power. Chairperson Anderson said that comments on  strategies for the meeting should be kept to how to best solicit feedback about the broad strategies  covered last meeting. Haas clarified that they are looking for loose format. Ryan Sempf asked if there  were edits or changes made to the list of strategies talked about at the last meeting. Haas responded  that the impression from the Committee was to keep all for now and narrow with more feedback.   Some questions were asked about stickers and voting. Haas suggested one color sticker for participants  to indicate “most” important to them to give emphasis to certain parts of the plan and community  feedback. Norbeck asked about a plan for overflow of comments and categories. Haas reviewed the  consultant vision for Steering Committee Members and the consultants at the meeting, including a  resource table manned by City staff. Haas and Wordlaw explained a “writing wall”. Someone asked  about a writing wall or some activity specifically for children. Wordlaw said they could have a successful  draw or write activity. Anderson asked what we are trying to get from the audience/participants. Haas  said that they want to understand perspectives of residents and businesses. Fraser said the audience  needs to be motivated to take action, asked who the audience will be. He hopes that there will be an  opportunity to reach reluctant participants. Norbeck suggested asking what a more resilient Iowa City  looks like to participants. The group agreed that the question was good but thought to use a different  word than resilient. Haas thought to have two writing sections on the wall (what motivated them to  come/what their vision for future looks like).   4. Outreach for Community Meeting  Fraser said the whole community should be part of the design team for buy‐in. Wordlaw reviewed  outreach activities thus‐far. Norbeck requested a MailChimp template for sharing the meeting info. John  asked for a copy of the presentation given at the Oct. 12 meeting.   5. Sign Up for Meeting Roles and Responsibilities  Wordlaw explained the use of Sign‐Up Genius to volunteer for slots during the community meeting on  November 2.      6. Other Discussion   Norbeck described the plan for a joint meeting of several environmental groups on Oct. 23 at Coralville  Library. The group will meet and talk about unifying on the issue of plant‐rich diets and inventorying the  resources each group has available.   Russett thanked consultants and staff for helping put the meeting together. She also asked for examples  of questions that will be asked at the meeting to be posted on the City website beforehand. The group  agreed that a teaser of a few questions or examples would be a good thing to publish.    7. Adjourn  Meeting Adjourned at 11:00 a.m.