HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY2019 2nd Qtr Financial Summary Date: January 10, 2019 To: City Manager, City Council From: Jacklyn Fleagle, Budget & Compliance Officer Re: Quarterly Financial Summary for Period Ending December 31, 2018 Introduction Attached to this memorandum are the City’s quarterly financial reports as of December 31, 2018. The quarterly financial report includes combined summaries of all fund balances, revenues, and expenditures for fiscal year 2019 through the end of the second quarter, which is 50% of the way through the fiscal year. Below are some of the highlights from this quarter’s financial activity. Revenue Analysis This revenue analysis pertains to the revenue reports, Revenues by Fund and Revenues by Type, on pages 4-6. In these two reports, the actual revenues would ideally be near 50% of budget since we have completed one-half of the fiscal year; however, due to accruals back to the previous year and quarter, many of these percentages are below 50%. Funds with budget anomalies on page 4 worth noting: the Transit fund has actual revenues at 32% due to the timing of receipt for the federal operating grant; and the Risk Management fund has actual revenues at 98.3% due to the timing of the entries made for loss reserve payments to intra-city charges. Additionally, the Governmental Projects fund has revenues of 2.1% and the Enterprise Projects funds have revenues of 3.2% due to the timing of funding for CIP projects through grants and bond sales. On page 5, a few examples of revenues that are below the 50% mark due to accruals include Hotel/Motel Taxes at 30.1% and Utility Franchise Taxes at 31.1% under Other City Taxes. Both of these revenue sources are received quarterly, and each had the first receipt during the fiscal year accrued back to last fiscal year. The report appears as if these revenues are behind budget projections; however, these two revenue sources are in line with last year. The utility enterprise fund service charges have a similar presentation. Other revenues on page 5 that are either above or below the 50% mark due to timing the of grants, 28E agreements or contributions receipts include State 28E Agreements at 119.5%, Other State Grants at 7%, Local 28E Agreements at 14.3%, and Contributions & Donations at 12.6%. Additionally, under Charges for Fees and Services, Building & Development revenues are at 196% of budgeted amounts due to an unbudgeted receipt for a Fee in Lieu of Affordable Housing payment. Police Services are also already at 170.6% due to higher than normal utilization of the Department by the University of Iowa. The combined total actual revenues for all budgetary funds through December are $75,943,851 or 44.0% of budget. Overall, the City’s revenues are not substantially different than projected, and the anomalies and budget variances can be explained. Expenditure Analysis This expenditure analysis pertains to the expenditure reports, Expenditures by Fund and Expenditures by Fund by Department on pages 7-9. The analysis of the City’s expenditures for fiscal year 2019 through December is similar to the analysis for the City’s revenues. We generally expect the actual expenditure levels to be around 50% of budget at this time of year. Some of the funds have expenditure activity through the second quarter that differs significantly from the 50% mark. The following funds have a significant expenditure variance above or below 50%:  Other Shared Revenue fund is at 5.8% due to the timing of projects.  Debt Service Fund expenditures are at 33.9%, because the general obligation bond principal payments are not due until June 1.  Wastewater fund is at 72.7% due to bond principal and interest payments paid in July.  Water fund is at 58.6% due to bond principal and interest payments paid in July.  Governmental Projects expenditures are at 24.2% and Enterprise Projects expenditures are at 18.0% because many of the capital projects are scheduled for construction this spring.  Central Services fund is at 28.7% due to the timing of equipment purchases and replacements. Overall, the combined total actual expenditures for all budgetary funds through December are $88,546,225 or 37.6% of budget. Overall, the City’s expenditures through the second quarter have a few major anomalies; however, these can be explained and are not unusual. Conclusion Generally, there are no major concerns to report with the City’s fund balances at December 31. One fund is presented (on page 3) with negative fund balance, the Community Development Block Grant fund at -$69,172. This negative fund balances should reverse following the receipt of grant proceeds. The other fund balances appear healthy. Additional information is available from the Finance Department upon request. Beginning Ending Restricted, Unassigned Fund Year-to-Date Transfers Year-to-Date Transfers Fund Committed, Fund Balance Revenues In Expenditures Out Balance Assigned Balance Budgetary Funds General Fund 10** General Fund 36,401,765$ 29,263,872$ 5,346,466$ 27,362,993$ 2,244,151$ 41,404,959$ 6,898,526$ 34,506,433$ Special Revenue Funds 2100 Community Dev Block Grant (25,935) 290,014 2,700 301,217 34,734 (69,172) - (69,172) 2110 HOME 191,819 379,669 - 435,909 49,752 85,827 - 85,827 2200 Road Use Tax Fund 3,893,384 4,242,908 225,773 3,043,524 1,437,670 3,880,870 - 3,880,870 2300 Other Shared Revenue 3,968 3,279 - 2,786 - 4,461 - 4,461 2350 Metro Planning Org of J.C. 262,063 142,092 166,514 282,825 - 287,844 - 287,844 2400 Employee Benefits 2,847,078 6,757,695 - 562,716 5,472,121 3,569,935 - 3,569,935 2500 Affordable Housing Fund 1,208,851 405,982 - 500,000 - 1,114,833 - 1,114,833 2510 Peninsula Apartments 166,019 36,361 - 20,897 - 181,483 - 181,483 26** Tax Increment Financing 1,525,592 1,312,703 101,257 53,475 - 2,886,078 841,803 2,044,275 2820 SSMID-Downtown District - 199,267 - 110,012 - 89,255 - 89,255 Debt Service Fund 5*** Debt Service 8,135,315 6,375,228 - 4,655,678 - 9,854,865 1,294,909 8,559,956 Enterprise Funds 710* Parking 12,222,373 3,312,000 550,410 2,003,037 821,644 13,260,102 5,812,440 7,447,662 715* Mass Transit 6,159,101 1,449,270 1,789,067 3,278,799 - 6,118,639 777,476 5,341,163 720* Wastewater 20,759,108 5,812,361 1,465,978 9,651,540 2,135,717 16,250,191 4,780,318 11,469,873 730* Water 11,938,239 4,554,707 913,523 4,920,492 837,458 11,648,519 2,721,342 8,927,178 7400 Refuse Collection 1,281,369 1,622,421 3,598 1,676,038 - 1,231,350 - 1,231,350 750* Landfill 26,940,545 3,360,767 366,974 2,430,421 245,740 27,992,125 25,139,377 2,852,747 7600 Airport 216,770 178,758 50,000 206,583 - 238,945 100,000 138,945 7700 Storm Water 795,950 687,231 678 221,467 139,000 1,123,392 - 1,123,392 79** Housing Authority 7,017,559 5,026,110 49,752 5,627,920 23,975 6,441,526 3,169,408 3,272,118 Capital Project Funds Governmental Projects 41,854,944 411,966 1,817,305 18,021,119 - 26,063,097 - 26,063,097 Enterprise Projects 9,623,259 119,189 591,967 3,176,776 - 7,157,639 - 7,157,639 Total Budgetary Funds 193,419,135$ 75,943,851$ 13,441,961$ 88,546,225$ 13,441,961$ 180,816,762$ 51,535,598$ 129,281,163$ Non-Budgetary Funds Internal Service Funds 810* Equipment 13,604,405$ 3,479,612$ -$ 2,549,703$ -$ 14,534,314$ 13,114,599$ 1,419,715$ 8200 Risk Management 3,563,234 1,568,934 - 715,250 - 4,416,918 - 4,416,918 830* Information Technology 2,799,530 1,570,963 - 897,547 - 3,472,946 330,741 3,142,205 8400 Central Services 725,692 118,748 - 55,544 - 788,896 - 788,896 8500 Health Insurance Reserves 11,374,744 4,348,922 - 4,382,111 - 11,341,555 7,589,740 3,751,815 8600 Dental Insurance Reserves 190,915 205,008 - 169,447 - 226,476 - 226,476 Total Non-Budgetary Funds 32,258,521$ 11,292,187$ -$ 8,769,602$ -$ 34,781,105$ 21,035,080$ 13,746,026$ Total All Funds 225,677,656$ 87,236,038$ 13,441,961$ 97,315,827$ 13,441,961$ 215,597,867$ 72,570,678$ 143,027,189$ City of Iowa City Fund Summary Fiscal Year 2019 through December 31, 2018 3 2018 Actual 2019 Budget 2019 Revised 2019 Actual Variance Percent Budgetary Fund Revenues General Fund 10** General Fund 51,880,377$ 53,148,922$ 55,320,453$ 29,263,872$ (26,056,581)$ 52.9% Special Revenue Funds 2100 Community Dev Block Grant 658,178 906,507 1,218,413 290,014 (928,399) 23.8% 2110 HOME 666,926 534,166 1,012,382 379,669 (632,713) 37.5% 2200 Road Use Tax Fund 8,539,943 8,744,810 8,744,810 4,242,908 (4,501,902) 48.5% 2300 Other Shared Revenue 270,089 - 48,260 3,279 (44,981) 6.8% 2350 Metro Planning Org of Johnson Co 320,459 365,748 365,748 142,092 (223,656) 38.8% 2400 Employee Benefits 11,668,231 12,908,880 12,908,880 6,757,695 (6,151,185) 52.3% 2500 Affordable Housing Fund 415,749 - - 405,982 405,982 0.0% 2510 Peninsula Apartments 73,278 77,510 77,510 36,361 (41,149) 46.9% 26** Tax Increment Financing 2,473,728 2,631,772 2,631,772 1,312,703 (1,319,069) 49.9% 2820 SSMID-Downtown District 354,385 400,124 400,124 199,267 (200,857) 49.8% Debt Service Fund 5*** Debt Service 13,288,394 12,611,282 12,611,282 6,375,228 (6,236,054) 50.6% Enterprise Funds 710* Parking 8,486,558 6,003,966 6,003,966 3,312,000 (2,691,966) 55.2% 715* Mass Transit 8,276,309 4,524,070 4,524,070 1,449,270 (3,074,800) 32.0% 720* Wastewater 13,115,285 12,636,588 12,636,588 5,812,361 (6,824,227) 46.0% 730* Water 9,827,060 9,856,522 9,856,522 4,554,707 (5,301,815) 46.2% 7400 Refuse Collection 3,521,446 3,490,210 3,490,210 1,622,421 (1,867,789) 46.5% 750* Landfill 7,028,785 6,929,796 6,929,796 3,360,767 (3,569,029) 48.5% 7600 Airport 385,582 361,500 361,500 178,758 (182,742) 49.4% 7700 Storm Water 1,589,311 1,529,350 1,529,350 687,231 (842,119) 44.9% 79** Housing Authority 9,620,510 8,921,473 8,921,473 5,026,110 (3,895,363) 56.3% Capital Project Funds Governmental Projects 12,981,814 14,023,000 19,339,380 411,966 (18,927,414) 2.1% Enterprise Projects 1,919,909 3,056,708 3,701,492 119,189 (3,582,303) 3.2% Total Budgetary Revenues 167,362,305$ 163,662,904$ 172,633,981$ 75,943,851$ (96,690,130)$ 44.0% Non-Budgetary Fund Revenues Internal Service Funds 810* Equipment 6,910,467$ 6,559,773$ 6,559,773$ 3,479,612$ (3,080,161)$ 53.0% 8200 Risk Management 1,707,274 1,596,490 1,596,490 1,568,934 (27,556) 98.3% 830* Information Technology 2,294,690 2,348,876 2,348,876 1,570,963 (777,913) 66.9% 8400 Central Services 228,890 213,912 213,912 118,748 (95,164) 55.5% 8500 Health Insurance Reserves 8,401,738 8,700,966 8,700,966 4,348,922 (4,352,044) 50.0% 8600 Dental Insurance Reserves 407,695 424,330 424,330 205,008 (219,322) 48.3% Total Non-Budgetary Revenues 19,950,754$ 19,844,347$ 19,844,347$ 11,292,187$ (8,552,160)$ 56.9% Total Revenues - All Funds 187,313,059$ 183,507,251$ 192,478,328$ 87,236,038$ (105,242,290)$ 45.3% City of Iowa City Revenues by Fund Fiscal Year 2019 through December 31, 2018 4 2018 Actual 2019 Budget 2019 Revised 2019 Actual Variance Percent Budgetary Fund Revenues Property Taxes 56,525,799$ 59,173,825$ 59,173,825$ 30,450,629$ (28,723,196)$ 51.5% Other City Taxes: TIF Revenues 2,459,216 2,621,772 2,621,772 1,304,255 (1,317,517) 49.7% Gas/Electric Excise Taxes 684,299 676,411 676,411 334,015 (342,396) 49.4% Mobile Home Taxes 61,182 65,150 65,150 37,078 (28,072) 56.9% Hotel/Motel Taxes 1,045,696 1,251,720 1,251,720 376,187 (875,533) 30.1% Utility Franchise Tax 976,060 939,400 939,400 292,355 (647,045) 31.1% Subtotal 5,226,452 5,554,453 5,554,453 2,343,890 (3,210,563) 42.2% Licenses, Permits, & Fees: General Use Permits 71,654 100,920 100,920 19,009 (81,912) 18.8% Food & Liquor Licenses 110,377 111,440 111,440 65,719 (45,721) 59.0% Professional License 7,605 12,020 12,020 2,930 (9,090) 24.4% Franchise Fees 662,448 512,750 512,750 148,958 (363,792) 29.1% Construction Permits & Insp Fees 1,850,539 1,777,650 1,777,650 1,143,787 (633,863) 64.3% Misc Lic & Permits 40,881 38,680 38,680 27,678 (11,002) 71.6% Subtotal 2,743,504 2,553,460 2,553,460 1,408,080 (1,145,380) 55.1% Intergovernmental: Fed Intergovernment Revenue 13,152,242 11,664,896 15,128,902 5,217,076 (9,911,826) 34.5% Property Tax Credits 1,554,683 1,727,320 1,727,320 783,198 (944,122) 45.3% Road Use Tax 8,426,502 8,672,280 8,672,280 4,150,061 (4,522,219) 47.9% State 28E Agreements 2,003,939 1,724,430 1,724,430 2,060,750 336,320 119.5% Operating Grants 73,825 82,690 82,690 69,584 (13,106) 84.2% Disaster Assistance 110,085 - - - - 0.0% Other State Grants 5,483,837 3,094,020 5,160,636 362,604 (4,798,032) 7.0% Local 28E Agreements 1,151,557 5,182,453 5,182,453 741,255 (4,441,198) 14.3% Subtotal 31,956,672 32,148,089 37,678,711 13,384,528 (24,294,183) 35.5% Charges For Fees And Services: Building & Development 908,376 411,120 411,120 805,998 394,878 196.0% Police Services 127,496 56,530 56,530 96,443 39,913 170.6% Animal Care Services 10,775 11,540 11,540 6,540 (5,000) 56.7% Fire Services 7,632 10,370 10,370 3,360 (7,010) 32.4% Transit Fees 1,226,643 1,261,820 1,261,820 525,140 (736,680) 41.6% Culture & Recreation 774,778 790,848 790,848 305,491 (485,357) 38.6% Misc Charges For Services 69,449 79,217 79,217 37,070 (42,147) 46.8% Water Charges 9,475,186 9,743,172 9,743,172 4,488,945 (5,254,227) 46.1% Wastewater Charges 12,621,036 12,276,650 12,276,650 5,727,513 (6,549,137) 46.7% Refuse Charges 4,010,218 3,909,630 3,909,630 1,821,334 (2,088,296) 46.6% Landfill Charges 5,933,293 6,168,980 6,168,980 2,928,011 (3,240,969) 47.5% Storm Water Charges 1,551,384 1,522,290 1,522,290 687,550 (834,740) 45.2% Parking Charges 6,331,040 6,477,470 6,477,470 3,725,399 (2,752,071) 57.5% Subtotal 43,047,304 42,719,637 42,719,637 21,158,794 (21,560,843) 49.5% Miscellaneous: Code Enforcement 232,315 222,633 222,633 120,075 (102,558) 53.9% Parking Fines 475,356 578,720 578,720 285,480 (293,240) 49.3% Library Fines & Fees 143,285 154,420 154,420 68,604 (85,816) 44.4% Contributions & Donations 890,423 369,620 768,950 96,804 (672,146) 12.6% Printed Materials 42,374 41,900 41,900 28,992 (12,908) 69.2% Animal Adoption 12,955 12,020 12,020 26,040 14,020 216.6% Misc Merchandise 55,901 54,770 54,770 34,995 (19,775) 63.9% Intra-City Charges 3,962,198 4,277,635 4,277,635 2,163,702 (2,113,933) 50.6% Other Misc Revenue 908,993 933,261 1,195,261 332,192 (863,069) 27.8% Special Assessments 808 1,090 1,090 46 (1,044) 4.2% Subtotal 6,724,608$ 6,646,069$ 7,307,399$ 3,156,930$ (4,150,469)$ 43.2% City of Iowa City Revenues by Type Fiscal Year 2019 through December 31, 2018 5 2018 Actual 2019 Budget 2019 Revised 2019 Actual Variance Percent City of Iowa City Revenues by Type Fiscal Year 2019 through December 31, 2018 Use Of Money And Property: Interest Revenues 2,879,005$ 1,071,871$ 1,071,872$ 621,580$ (450,292)$ 58.0% Rents 1,385,468 1,367,800 1,367,800 639,851 (727,949) 46.8% Royalties & Commissions 108,843 136,080 136,080 51,767 (84,313) 38.0% Subtotal 4,373,315 2,575,751 2,575,752 1,313,198 (1,262,554) 51.0% Other Financial Sources: Debt Sales 12,174,462 10,623,000 10,623,000 - (10,623,000) 0.0% Sale Of Assets 3,633,506 703,393 3,107,518 1,322,739 (1,784,779) 42.6% Insurance Recoveries - - - 279,874 279,874 0.0% Loans 956,682 965,226 1,340,226 1,125,188 (215,038) 84.0% Subtotal 16,764,651 12,291,619 15,070,744 2,727,802 (12,342,943) 18.1% Total Budgetary Revenues 167,362,305$ 163,662,903$ 172,633,981$ 75,943,851$ (96,690,130) 44.0% Non-Budgetary Fund Revenues Internal Service Funds 19,950,754$ 19,844,347$ 19,844,347$ 11,292,187$ (8,552,160)$ 56.9% Total Non-Budgetary Revenues 19,950,754$ 19,844,347$ 19,844,347$ 11,292,187$ (8,552,160)$ 56.9% Total Revenues - All Funds 187,313,059$ 183,507,250$ 192,478,328$ 87,236,038$ (105,242,290)$ 45.3% 6 2018 Actual 2019 Budget 2019 Revised 2019 Actual Variance Percent Budgetary Fund Expenditures General Fund 10** General Fund 52,714,597$ 58,159,421$ 60,911,822$ 27,362,993$ 33,548,829$ 44.9% Special Revenue Funds 2100 Community Dev Block Grant 592,163 596,507 908,413 301,217 607,196 33.2% 2110 HOME 558,825 546,166 1,024,382 435,909 588,473 42.6% 2200 Road Use Tax Fund 6,059,424 6,165,809 6,432,985 3,043,524 3,389,461 47.3% 2300 Other Shared Revenue 333,421 - 48,260 2,786 45,474 5.8% 2350 Metro Planning Org of Johnson Co. 591,338 708,554 708,554 282,825 425,729 39.9% 2400 Employee Benefits 967,457 1,283,417 1,283,417 562,716 720,701 43.8% 2500 Affordable Housing Fund 325,000 750,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 50.0% 2510 Peninsula Apartments 50,641 59,878 59,878 20,897 38,981 34.9% 26** Tax Increment Financing 392,130 505,193 505,193 53,475 451,718 10.6% 2820 SSMID-Downtown District 354,385 400,124 400,124 110,012 290,112 27.5% Debt Service Fund 5*** Debt Service 13,469,600 13,722,450 13,722,450 4,655,678 9,066,772 33.9% Enterprise Funds 720* Wastewater 15,738,755 13,284,732 13,284,732 9,651,540 3,633,192 72.7% 730* Water 14,382,141 8,388,774 8,393,774 4,920,492 3,473,282 58.6% 7400 Refuse Collection 3,106,776 3,433,507 3,491,007 1,676,038 1,814,969 48.0% 750* Landfill 4,940,648 5,035,196 5,035,196 2,430,421 2,604,775 48.3% 7600 Airport 468,122 357,309 357,309 206,583 150,726 57.8% 7700 Storm Water 497,954 537,865 537,865 221,467 316,398 41.2% 79** Housing Authority 9,342,128 10,952,156 10,952,156 5,627,920 5,324,236 51.4% Capital Project Funds Governmental Projects 32,499,396 23,580,970 74,415,110 18,021,119 56,393,991 24.2% Enterprise Projects 9,353,681 5,040,308 17,660,204 3,176,776 14,483,428 18.0% Total Budgetary Expenditures 185,175,387$ 167,570,307$ 235,213,971$ 88,546,225$ 146,667,746$ 37.6% Non-Budgetary Funds Expenditures Internal Service Funds 810* Equipment 5,041,436$ 4,468,094$ 4,764,743$ 2,549,703$ 2,215,040$ 53.5% 8200 Risk Management 1,947,564 1,440,328 1,440,328 715,250 725,078 49.7% 830* Information Technology 2,034,623 2,160,935 2,160,935 897,547 1,263,388 41.5% 8400 Central Services 188,468 193,387 193,387 55,544 137,843 28.7% 8500 Health Insurance Reserves 7,848,190 8,381,923 8,381,923 4,382,111 3,999,812 52.3% 8600 Dental Insurance Reserves 364,128 409,442 409,442 169,447 239,995 41.4% Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures 17,424,410$ 17,054,109$ 17,350,758$ 8,769,602$ 8,581,156$ 50.5% Total Expenditures - All Funds 202,599,797$ 184,624,416$ 252,564,729$ 97,315,827$ 155,248,902$ 38.5% City of Iowa City Expenditures by Fund Fiscal Year 2019 through December 31, 2018 7 2018 Actual 2019 Budget 2019 Revised 2019 Actual Variance Percent Budgetary Funds Expenditures General Fund 10** General Fund City Council 109,461$ 120,391$ 120,391$ 60,881$ 59,510$ 50.6% City Clerk 491,517 533,577 533,577 279,642 253,935 52.4% City Attorney 765,417 780,796 780,796 361,014 419,782 46.2% City Manager 3,056,803 4,248,266 4,378,266 1,742,422 2,635,844 39.8% Finance 3,805,542 4,345,045 4,848,045 2,438,245 2,409,800 50.3% Police 13,809,546 14,419,896 14,763,762 6,642,258 8,121,504 45.0% Fire 8,030,716 8,262,751 8,278,847 3,960,975 4,317,872 47.8% Parks & Recreation 7,993,287 8,826,119 8,841,119 3,948,993 4,892,126 44.7% Library 6,400,495 6,671,933 6,671,933 3,033,463 3,638,470 45.5% Senior Center 888,544 974,355 986,855 388,216 598,639 39.3% Neighborhood & Development Services 4,965,448 5,824,548 7,556,487 3,207,794 4,348,693 42.5% Public Works 1,909,621 2,554,182 2,554,182 1,004,168 1,550,014 39.3% Transportation & Resource Management 488,203 597,562 597,562 294,922 302,640 49.4% Total General Fund 52,714,597 58,159,421 60,911,822 27,362,993 33,548,829 44.9% Special Revenue Funds 2100 Community Dev Block Grant Neighborhood & Development Services 592,163 596,507 908,413 301,217 607,196 33.2% 2110 HOME Neighborhood & Development Services 558,825 546,166 1,024,382 435,909 588,473 42.6% 2200 Road Use Tax Fund Public Works 6,059,424 6,165,809 6,432,985 3,043,524 3,389,461 47.3% 2300 Other Shared Revenue Neighborhood & Development Services 333,421 - 48,260 2,786 45,474 5.8% 2350 Metro Planning Org of Johnson Co Neighborhood & Development Services 591,338 708,554 708,554 282,825 425,729 39.9% 2400 Employee Benefits Finance 967,457 1,283,417 1,283,417 562,716 720,701 43.8% 2500 Affordable Housing Fund Neighborhood & Development Services 325,000 750,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 50.0% 2510 Peninsula Apartments Neighborhood & Development Services 50,641 59,878 59,878 20,897 38,981 34.9% 26** Tax Increment Financing Finance 392,130 505,193 505,193 53,475 451,718 10.6% 2820 SSMID-Downtown District Finance 354,385 400,124 400,124 110,012 290,112 27.5% Total Special Revenue Funds 10,224,785 11,015,648 12,371,206 5,313,363 7,057,843 42.9% Debt Service Fund 5*** Debt Service Finance 13,469,600 13,722,450 13,722,450 4,655,678 9,066,772 33.9% Total Debt Service Fund 13,469,600 13,722,450 13,722,450 4,655,678 9,066,772 33.9% City of Iowa City Expenditures by Fund by Department Fiscal Year 2019 through December 31, 2018 8 2018 Actual 2019 Budget 2019 Revised 2019 Actual Variance Percent City of Iowa City Expenditures by Fund by Department Fiscal Year 2019 through December 31, 2018 Enterprise Funds 710* Parking Transportation & Resource Management 6,516,098$ 6,612,092$ 6,631,261$ 2,003,037$ 4,628,224$ 30.2% 715* Mass Transit Transportation & Resource Management 11,920,706 7,449,879 7,449,879 3,278,799 4,171,080 44.0% 720* Wastewater Public Works 15,738,755 13,284,732 13,284,732 9,651,540 3,633,192 72.7% 730* Water Public Works 14,382,141 8,388,774 8,393,774 4,920,492 3,473,282 58.6% 7400 Refuse Collection Transportation & Resource Management 3,106,776 3,433,507 3,491,007 1,676,038 1,814,969 48.0% 750* Landfill Transportation & Resource Management 4,940,648 5,035,196 5,035,196 2,430,421 2,604,775 48.3% 7600 Airport Airport Operations 468,122 357,309 357,309 206,583 150,726 57.8% 7700 Storm Water Public Works 497,954 537,865 537,865 221,467 316,398 41.2% 79** Housing Authority Neighborhood & Development Services 9,342,128 10,952,156 10,952,156 5,627,920 5,324,236 51.4% Total Enterprise Funds 66,913,328 56,051,510 56,133,179 30,016,296 26,116,883 53.5% Capital Project Funds Governmental Projects 32,499,396 23,580,970 74,415,110 18,021,119 56,393,991 24.2% Enterprise Projects 9,353,681 5,040,308 17,660,204 3,176,776 14,483,428 18.0% Total Capital Project Funds 41,853,076 28,621,278 92,075,314 21,197,895 70,877,419 23.0% Total Budgetary Expenditures 185,175,387$ 167,570,307$ 235,213,971$ 88,546,225$ 146,667,746$ 37.6% Non-Budgetary Funds Expenditures Internal Service Funds 810* Equipment Public Works 5,041,436$ 4,468,094$ 4,764,743$ 2,549,703$ 2,215,040$ 53.5% 8200 Risk Management Finance 1,947,564 1,440,328 1,440,328 715,250 725,078 49.7% 830* Information Technology Finance 2,034,623 2,160,935 2,160,935 897,547 1,263,388 41.5% 8400 Central Services Finance 188,468 193,387 193,387 55,544 137,843 28.7% 8500 Health Insurance Reserves Finance 7,848,190 8,381,923 8,381,923 4,382,111 3,999,812 52.3% 8600 Dental Insurance Reserves Finance 364,128 409,442 409,442 169,447 239,995 41.4% Total Internal Service Funds 17,424,410 17,054,109 17,350,758 8,769,602 8,581,156 50.5% Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures 17,424,410$ 17,054,109$ 17,350,758$ 8,769,602$ 8,581,156$ 50.5% Total Expenditures - All Funds 202,599,797$ 184,624,416$ 252,564,729$ 97,315,827$ 155,248,902$ 38.5% 9